letters from otherwhere
a game design/playwrighting class mixed with a ttrpg
A ten-session remote learning class for kids ages 11-14, Letters from Otherwhere combines the fundamentals of game design and playwrighting with the mystery of a letter-writing TTRPG. I designed this program in conjunction with Charlotte Lang-Bush, a Brooklyn-based playwright and educator, as a way to bring summer camp to kids stuck inside during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the game design instructor, I designed a series of roughly 40-minute activities about game design. After a game design activity and a playwrighting activity, kids would receive a randomized letter prompt and randomized recipient from a custom Unity app I built specifically for this project. The app kept track of which students had been paired up; that way, every participant had the chance to write to every other participant at least once.
If you’re interested in having Charlotte and me teach a Letters from Otherwhere course, please get in touch using the form on my ‘Contact’ page.